Embark on a five, seven, or fourteen-day well-being expedition tailored for intimate groups.
Transformative Well-being Journeys
A curated series of workshops for smaller groups, offering a rich blend of practical tools and insights for immediate application. Each journey is a step towards personal and professional growth, designed with the aim of fostering lasting well-being.
Choose Your Path – five, seven, or fourteen Days
Targeted behaviour change, engaging participants in their learning through a blend of learning and group exercises.
We currently offer a selection of ready-to-launch Journeys, with more in development. Below are some of our available Journeys:
Power to Thrive
Unlock Happiness: Harnessing Positive Psychology Tools
Embark on a transformative journey that delves into optimal psychological functioning, flourishing relationships, purposeful living, and the art of accomplishment. This immersive series equips you with practical tools to apply positive psychology in your daily life based on the work of counselling psychologist, author and professor Dr Dan Tomasulo. With real-world stories and applicable tasks, discover the keys to unlocking your true potential for thriving. This series is created based on the PERMA model: A holistic framework for fostering wellbeing through positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.
Skills You Will Learn
• Discover practical tools to foster flourishing and find greater meaning and purpose in life.
• Learn techniques to boost energy, enhance focus, and nurture relationships for overall wellbeing.
• Develop resilience with evidence-based strategies from positive psychology to handle life’s challenges.
• Apply the PERMA model in everyday life, focusing on positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement.
• Cultivate passion, perseverance, and self-regulation to achieve success while celebrating your unique character strengths.
Bounce back from Burnout & Stress
Stress induced Burnout is becoming an increasingly prevalent issue in workplaces all over the world.
Employers are starting to become more aware of burnout and its effects on employees, and are taking steps to prevent it.
But what is burnout? How can you recognize it in yourself and others? And what can you do to recover from it and prevent it from happening again?
According to the World Health Organization, burnout is, “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” Burnout is a growing concern in workplaces all over the world.
Burnout and stress can lead to a number of negative consequences for employees, including decreased productivity, poor mental and physical health, and even depression or anxiety.
The reality is that life is very hard right now and for many employees, showing up at work and trying to deliver their best feels like drawing blood from a stone. People are worn thin and while most will put on a brave face at work, leaders should be aware that burnout, while invisible, is a reality they need to recognise and take into account when dealing with their teams
The burnout stats in the USA are as follows
• 89% of workers experienced burnout within the past year
• 77% of employees experienced feelings of burnout at their current jobs
• 70% of professionals feel employers do not do enough to prevent and alleviate burnout
• 67% of workers report that stress and burnout at work increased since the pandemic
• 40% of workers left their jobs due to burnout.
While similar statistics are not yet available for South African workplaces, the anecdotal evidence in workplaces, everyday life and across social media, clearly shows that South Africans are taking tremendous strain.
Need more information on the Journeys, please feel free to contact us via the link below: