Pro Active Mental WellnessTeacher Training

An accredited training for wellness ambassadors to learn mindfulness techniques, fostering safe spaces within the organization. The program includes live evaluations and 200 hours of practice, culminating in a recognized certificate of accomplishment.

Pro active Mental Wellness Teacher Training


Proactive Mental Wellness Teacher Training


This accredited internal ambassador program, recognized by the HPCSA and SETA, equips wellness ambassadors with proactive mindfulness techniques. It’s designed to foster safe environments within organizations and support colleagues effectively. The training includes live evaluations and 200 hours of documented proactive mental wellness practice, culminating in a certificate of accomplishment.


Comprehensive 28-hour curriculum, split into 14 x 2-hour sessions. This includes 8 sessions dedicated to theory and practical application, plus 6 sessions focused on delegate-led teach-backs and evaluations.


Aims to cultivate an internal team committed to driving mindful change within the organization, guided by the expertise of a lead Mindful Revolution facilitator.

Want more information on the Pro Active Mental Wellness Teacher Training, check out the collateral below:

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